Me n my mates went out for an outing, and then sitting across us was a chick who apparently was getting toasted..... Now, for say this chick didn't want to go with dude, she for no dress up, wear pumps and she even wear push up bra(abeg no tell me say i no know when person dey wear kostay...)
Sha, she was checking her phone through out the evening to the point where i was even feeling bad for bros...i am confused, for say she no get toaster naa, she for dey act like correct person.....
Time for a little day-dreaming, I remember the good ol' days when in high school,(N.T.i.C abj), when i tried a little dating of my own and flopped miserably at it.I was either too funny and became a bros, too dry and became an aquaintance or too freaky and became bin wan yarn dildo)
THe koko be say, to all them chicks out there, you lot should try PRETENDING!!!!!
It saves Lives...
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